Why create folders for attachments
Attachment folders have several different uses when working with suppliers:
- Uploading files to a project that you don't want the supplier to see
- You upload different types of files to the project and want to sort them in some way (invoices, contracts, etc.)
- The project can be accessed by people who are not allowed to see certain files
Attachment folders allow you to limit the above and better control access to documents.
How to create folders for attachments
To create folders for attachments, you need to be in the administrator role. If one of your colleagues is the administrator of your system, ask them to create and set up the folder.
- Go to the Project organizer
- Open any item (folders are created for the entire record and you will see them for all items)
- Click on the "Attachments" tab
- Click on the "+ Create Folder" button
- Fill in the folder name, e.g. "Supplier Invoices"
- (Optional) If you want to restrict people in your company with access to projects from seeing this folder, uncheck "Everybody can see this folder" and set permissions for each role. If you don't need to set something like this, skip this step
- Check "Show folder to guests"
- Save
What the supplier will see
The supplier will only see folders that you enable to be displayed. He can then upload attachments to them.