In this article you get information what is the administration and how can you use it. more
Upload the logo of your company and it will be displayed on the login page. more
In this article your learn how to manage and set up roles more
You can control user rights as an administrator or add new ones and delete old ones. more
You can change your current administrator for a new one by giving them the role and removing it from the former admin... more
The user with the administrator role can change settings about your license (number of users, records), payment, and ... more
The easiest way to pay for Aptien is using a credit card. more
You set up and configure the intranet through a role, in which you set which parts of the intranet are accessible to ... more
You can increase the number of users in the License tab in administration settings. more
You can define a user group, and one user can be part of more than one user group. more
The administrator can reset a user's password, and a new one is sent to their email or set a new password for them ma... more
You can change your system's settings for units and thanks to that spot the difference between thousands and decimals... more
You can turn on a multilanguage environment in your Aptien settings. more
In this article youlearn how to manage ticket forms more
Learn to effortlessly add essential links to your Employee Portal desktop for quick access to crucial resources. Boos... more