This article is intended for administrators.
How to manage payments
- Go to Administration Settings
- Select "Payments" from the menu
- Follow instructions below
- Save the settings
Payment by card
Suitable for: monthly payments, getting flexibility in using Aptien services
The easiest way to pay is by entering your payment card directly into your Aptien system. This card will then be charged on a regular monthly basis. The amount will always be calculated according to the current status of your Aptien account, i.e., the price plan you have selected, the current number of users, and the add-ons you have purchased.
Once the payment has been charged, an invoice is always available for download in Aptien.
How to enter a payment card into the system
- From the top bar, open the administration for administrators
- Open the "Payments" option in the menu on the left
- Enter your billing details
- Select a payment card and enter a new payment card (or select from the cards you have already entered)