In this article you will learn what information technology is - all the hardware and software used to create, store, ... more
In this article you learn what is IT asset and how to manage it. An IT asset is any piece of software or hardware tha... more
In this article you will learn what this software is. It is any program installed on a computer, server or other IT d... more
In this article you will learn what a software license is. It is the right to use the software and to set the terms o... more
In this article your learn what IT helpdesk is and how it helps more
In this article you learn what is SAM software and how can help in small and medium businesses more
In this article you will learn what artificial intelligence is. It is a technology that makes it possible to simulate... more
In this article you learn what IT hardware includes more
In this article, you will learn what an IT service contract is. It contains a list of provided IT services and their ... more
In this article, you will learn and understand what groupware is and how it helps in managing the work and collaborat... more
In this article you learn what is CMDB and how it help with IT management. more
In this article you will learn what DLP, loss prevention is a set of strategies, technologies and processes designed ... more
In this article you will learn what is role-based access control (RBAC) - it means that authorization is granted base... more
In this article you learn what is access control more
In this article, you will learn about what enterprise software is: it is software that serves to support company proc... more
In this article you learn what is a company VPN more
In this article, you will learn what information access control means. more
In this article you learn what firewall is more
In this article you learn what is security perimeter - the is the area that divides and protects some valuable a comp... more
In this article, you will learn what a CMMS is, a computer system. more
In this article, you will learn what the information lifecycle is - includes and describes all phases and processes o... more
In this article, you learn what change management means in IT asset management. more
In this article you will learn what small data approach is more
In this article you learn what is data storage medium more
In this article you will learn what is ITSM more
In this article you learn what purchased IT services are more
In this article you learn what incident management is. more
In this article you learn what Service Request Management is more
In this article you learn what is SLA management more
In this article you learn what patch management is - the process of keeping software, it systems and devices up to date. more
In this article you learn what most used IT management standards are more
In this article you learn what is ITIL more
In this article, you will learn what an information system is and what it consists of more
In this article you learn, what is IT asset maintenance more
In this article you will learn what is SIEM, how does it work and what is for. SIEM is monitoring software that detec... more
In this article, you will learn how you can use encryption to increase your cyber security. Encryption is the process... more
In this article, you will learn what is an software update. Updated software refers to software that has been equippe... more
This article explains what cybersecurity security software can include more
Data backup is one of the basic measures to reduce information and cyber security risks. more
In this article, you will learn is intrusion protection software more