What is Software

Last updated: 2025-01-07
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This article is for IT managers.

Definition of Software

Software is any program installed on a computer, server, or other IT device. Companies use various types of software, ranging from operating systems and security software to different business applications designed to assist users and employees with business processes and decision-making. 

Basic Types of Software in a Company

  • Operating System
  • Office Applications
  • Enterprise Software (e.g., economic software)
  • Security Software
  • Websites 
  • Programming languages, development environments, and platforms
  • System software such as firmware or drivers

Software Licence is the Right to Use Software

How to Manage and Track Software and Licenses Used in a Company

As an IT manager, you gain control over the software and licenses used. Take advantage of the prepared software organizer, to manage software and licences which you can customize according to your needs:

  1. To record all software and licenses used across the company
  2. Get an easy overview of who is using which software and where it is installed
  3. Keep track of valid licenses
how to keep software inventory