In this article you will learn what are cybersecurity threats - any possible malicious attacks on data or an organiza... more
In this article you learn what is physical security. It means preventing unauthorized access to buildings, rooms, fac... more
In this article, you will learn what software assets are. They include software products and cloud services used by a... more
In this article, you will learn what the acronym means and the introduction of ISMS in the company: an established in... more
In this article you learn what is Threat-Led Penetration Test (TLPT) more
In this article, you will learn what information assets are and how to use them. more
In this article, you will learn what confidentiality means in the field of information security. more
Information assets are the data, information and knowledge that an organization needs to run its operations and makin... more
In this article, you will learn what data and information integrity is in information security field more
In this article you learn what is red-teaming. simulating real-world attacks. more
In this article, you will learn what the CIA information security triad is. more
In this article, you will learn what availability is in information security. more
In this article you learn what is ISO 27001. It is an international standard that defines the requirements for an inf... more
In this article, you will learn what the pyramid of information security - more
In this article, you will learn what an insider threat is. It is an individual, former or current employee, who may i... more
What is NIST and what they do more
In this article, you will learn what phishing is and what kind of threat it poses more
In this article you will learn what the all-hazard approach required by NIS2 in clause 21.2 is more
Digital identity is the equivalent of a person in the digital world, electronic representation of an individual. more
User Account is a login credential that allows access to a system or platform. more
In this article you learn what is cyber hygiene - set of work habits, activities and processes that reduce the likeli... more