An audit is a systematic, independent examination and evaluation of a product, process, facility, or system to determ... more
An Quality audit is a systematic, independent examination and evaluation of a products, quality management systems (Q... more
Workplace Safety Inspections (OSHA Compliance) are evaluations conducted to ensure that workplaces adhere to the safe... more
Job Site Safety Inspection is a systematic process of evaluating a worksite to identify potential hazards, ensure com... more
Regulatory Compliance Audits are systematic evaluations to ensure that an organization adheres to industry-specific l... more
Vendor or Supplier Assessment is the process of evaluating potential suppliers to determine their ability to meet an ... more
An IT Security Audit is a comprehensive assessment of an organization's IT infrastructure, policies, and operations t... more
Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Audit is a systematic evaluation of an organization's practices and systems t... more
HR and Employment Law Compliance Audits are comprehensive evaluations of an organization's human resource policies, p... more
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Assessments are systematic evaluations of an organization's procedures and ... more
In this article, you learn what risk is and how risk management affects the management of an organization. Risks are ... more
In this article, you learn what are the causes of risks and what are the most common in small and medium-sized compan... more
In this article, you will learn what the sources of risk are. They are the assets and processes, and they are the ris... more
In this article you learn what is risk impact. The risk impact refers to the direct effect or resulting damage of the... more
In this article, you will learn what a Risk Treatment Plan, RTP is. It contains how the company will treat individual... more
In this article, you will learn what critical assets are. These are assets vital to the basic operation of the organi... more
In this article, you will learn what business continuity is. more
In this article your learn what is BCP, a plan that helps companies prepare for and recover from potential threats o... more
In this article, you will learn what a business impact analysis is. BIA evaluates the impact on the organization of a... more
In this article, you will learn what a disaster recovery plan is. more
In this article you will learn what prevention is. These are proactive steps or technologies to limit problems before... more
In this article, you will learn what the All-Hazards approach is - a comprehensive and integrated framework for disas... more
In this article, you will learn what an NDA is, what it can look like, and what it is used for more
In this article, you will learn what disaster recovery is. more
Learn what are process risks. - these are such risks which can interrupt business processes. more
In this article you will learn what are the basic types of business risks. These risks depend on factors such as the ... more
In this article, you will learn what confidential information is. more
In this article you learn what is technical documentation more
In this article, you will learn what a measure is and what types of measures you can use in practice. more
In thos article you learn, what is a manual more
Controlled document means that the document is a subject to a document life cycle, the fixed document phases which th... more
In this article you will learn what an integrated risk management system is more
In this article, you will learn what assets are and what they mean for managing an organization and its risks. more
Inthis article you will learn what are internal company policies, procedures, standards or other regulations are. more
In this article you will learn, what is Risk matrix and what is for. The risk matrix (or risk map or diagram) is a gr... more
Policies and work procedures are internal company documents containing rules on how employees should perform their wo... more
In this article, you will learn what this threat is. A threat can be an attack, violence, sabotage, espionage, theft,... more
In this article you learn, what is danger and hazard. A hazard is a property or characteristic of something, hazard i... more
In this article, you will learn the meaning of work instructions are. more
In this article you learn, what is all-hazards-approach. An all-hazards approach is a comprehensive and integrated me... more
In this article, you will learn what a vulnerability is. Vulnerability is a weak point, flaw, error, or gap in techno... more
What is the difference between preventive and corrective actions (CAPA). more
In this article, you will learn what a risk register is and what it is used for. Risk register (or risk catalog) is a... more