What is a manual

Last updated: 2024-03-10

Manual is a document related to a product or service intended for the user, operator or technician. It describes how the product or service works and how the user should proceed when using, installing or commissioning.

  • The manual describes how to handle the product or service
  • The manual can also be used as specific training documentation that contains step-by-step instructions for using a particular product
  • Describes how to use the product or how to put it into operation
  • Manuals give a detailed explanation about the product’s functionality and techniques of using it properly.
what is a manual

How Aptien can help you with the manual management

  • You keep the manual as product documentation in the manual library
  • You have information about the validity, version and related product
  • Thanks to the vouchers, you have digital proof of familiarization with the operator portal with the manual
  • You will use it, for example, during the onboarding, adaptation or training of your employees