What is a Risk

Last updated: 2025-01-12
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Definition of a Risk

Risks are potential problems that may or may not occur.

  • A risk is a situation we want to avoid
  • A risk is a predicted negative or unwanted event with some negative impact
  • Every risk has a certain probability of occurring 
  • It represents uncertainty in achieving desired outcomes and goals because it can hinder them.

Thus, it is a potential negative impact with a certain probability of occurring. Any realized risk has an undesirable impact and negative consequence on the organization's operations. 

  • Risk = Impact * Probability 
what is a risk

The Impact and Severity of the Risk to the Organization

The impact and severity of risks to the organization vary in weight and significance. Each risk's seriousness must be assessed to determine which risks should be prioritized.

  • Assessing the extent to which a risk will affect the organization's processes and the seriousness of its consequences is crucial.
  • The severity of a risk's impact is derived from consequences and is evaluated through risk analysis.

Example: The impact of an internet outage is critical for an e-commerce solution provider, but only mild for a lawn care company

Probability of the Risk

Each risk has some probability of occurring. This is increased or decreased by a number of circumstances, some of which can be influenced, some not.

  • Every process or asset is somehow vulnerable, and higher vulnerability means higher probability
  • Existing hazards also increase the likelihood of the risk
  • Organizations strive to reduce the vulnerabilities of their assets and processes to reduce the likelihood that a risk will occur

Negative Impacts of the Risk

Once a risk occurs, it means a problem for the organization's processes or assets:

  1. unavailability or loss of an process, company resources or other assets that leads to a stoppage of processes (production stoppage, worker injury or death, power failure, loss of information, destruction of a machine, destruction of a building, theft of funds, etc.)
  2. damage takes the form of injury, damage to health, environmental damage, accidents, damage or breach of data, damage to machinery, damage to buildings and the like and results in the limitation of processes or the functioning of assets
  3. misuse takes the form of, for example, misuse of information, theft of sensitive information and leads to fines, loss of market position or loss of reputation

Consequences of the Risk

  • These core impacts directly or indirectly lead to financial loss either through lost revenue (e.g., due to customer churn, reputation damage) or increased costs (e.g., legal fees, operational disruptions, crisis management), or both.
  • The consequence of the risk is a financial loss for the company
impact of the risk for business

What types of Risks Threaten Companies

Every organization faces many different types of risks in different areas

  • Financial risks, lack of funds
  • Risks of various frauds, especially financial ones
  • Work and workplace safety risks - health, injury or death
  • Cybersecurity risks, Information security risks, Information Loss or Information Disclosure
  • Reputational risks of damage to the good name in the market
  • Competitive and market risks of being overtaken by competition
  • Legal and compliance risks of litigation
  • Various operational or project risks
  • See here for a more detailed description of the most common risks.

Risk Sources

  • Risks arise either in the processes or in the assets 
  • Various internal and external hazards, dangers and threats also cause risks

How Aptien Helps Manage Risks in Your Company

Understanding the risks that could threaten your business is a fundamental element of self-preservation and a key part of organizational management. Aptien allows you to maintain a simple overview of your risks, including their sources, and helps you keep risks under control through tasks and measures.

Maintaining a Risk Register

Maintaining a Threat Catalog

Maintaining a Vulnerability Catalog

Managing Measures