Get started


First login

Click the link in your e-mail that takes you to your Aptien. more

First steps in Aptien

You keep all your information in Organizers (e.g. Employees, Customers, Projects). more

First steps of an employee

Guide to walk you through the first steps of employee more

How to get started with organizers

An Organizer represents an online binder where you store your information. more

How to get started with left menu

In this article you will learn how to start using the left menu more

How to get started with Tasks

Tasks are the main component of communication between users and replace e-mails completely. more

How to start using Watchdogs for important dates

Setup your watchdog and don't miss any important thing you have to do. more

How to switch to a different role

Roles are based on your job title, and different roles are usually allowed access to different data. more

How to sign in

Open any browser, type in your company's, your username and password. more