What is data backup for?
Data backup is an essential measure to protect against data loss due to cyber-attacks, hardware failure or human error. Proper backup ensures that you don't lose your data, settings or apps. In the company, you have to ensure the smooth running of all processes and users, so backup applies to both personal devices (computers, mobile phones) and shared servers or network elements.
- Backing up end devices (laptops, mobile phones and other user devices)
- Backing up enterprise applications and the content on the server side
- Backup settings of network elements
Without data backup, you leave data vulnerable to significant loss in the event of a cyber attack or other data loss incident. Backups must be made in such a way that you are able to restore some original state.
Backup is not enough, you also need to be able to restore
Backup itself is only half the battle. You also need to be able to restore a certain original state from a backup. Ideally, a 100% original state, and if that's not possible, at least be able to restore as close to the original state as possible.
- Thanks to backup, it is possible to quickly restore the functioning of your processes
- It is necessary to have a functional and tested process of restoring to the original state (disaster recovery)
Why back up servers and business applications
There is always some business application running on the server. Backing up the server is a protection against
- cyber attack
- disk failure on the server
- damage to the server in the event of a crash, for example a fire, other natural disaster or perhaps a bomb attack
Thanks to the backup, it is possible to quickly restore the operation of the server. It is necessary to have a functional and clear recovery process (disaster recovery).
Why back up users' computers and other devices?
An end device, unlike a server, can easily be lost, stolen or damaged by mishandling. Backing up computers, mobile phones and other mobile devices is protection most often against:
- loss or theft of the device
- damage to the device due to improper handling
- disk failure on the computer
- cyber attack
Thanks to the backup, it is possible to quickly restore the functioning of the user on the new machine so that he can continue his work as he is used to.
If you want to have a good night's sleep, back up!
Whether we are talking about company software or other IT tools, it is necessary to emphasize that data is always the most valuable asset you have. There is always some possibility of failure or attack, so backup is an absolutely essential data protection measure. A backup increases the level of security because, as soon as an emergency situation occurs, you always have somewhere to return to. You restore the work, data or settings saved in the backup copy.
Basic principles and rules of data backup
- you should be able to restore the original state from the backup or get as close to your original state as possible
- recovery speed is also important (given in hours, as RTO - Recovery Time Objective)
- the backup should be located so that it is not affected at the same time as the original (in case of an attack or crash) = keep backups in multiple locations
- you can back up only data, database or documents
- backup also settings and applications