Top 5 technical cybersecurity measures

Last updated: 2024-02-20

What are cybersecurity technical measures

Technical measures mean the purchasing or acquisition of some information technology, either some hardware (for example, a disk for backup) or some software or application (for example, security software). In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, implementing robust technical measures is crucial to safeguarding organizations against cyber threats. Below, we outline key technical practices that enhance security posture

Return of cybersecurity investments

Investing in software or hardware is akin to making a financial commitment. It involves allocating funds, which can help mitigate risks, cut costs, or prevent potential business losses. When considering technical investments, it’s crucial to evaluate their benefits, effectiveness, and how they contribute to overall peace of mind and financial well-being.

Most common and most effective technical cyber security measures

The fundamental and highly effective measures for enhancing cyber security and resilience include regular backups, frequent software updates, network and internet protection, and malware defense. The following list of measures, grounded in best practices, serves as a baseline. In practical application, these measures have significantly improved security. Most of them are relatively straightforward and cost-effective to implement. 

  1. Data backup using a backup server, disks or cloud backup
  2. Patch Management

    Regularly update software, operating systems, and applications to address known vulnerabilities. 
  3. Encrypt sensitive data at rest and in transit. Use strong encryption algorithms to protect confidentiality.
  4. Use a VPN (Virtual Private Network)
  5. Secure the company network and internet connection (Firewall, protected Wi-fi)
  6. Use of security software (antimalware, antivirus, antispyware, firewall, network monitoring)
  7. Use secured software and applications with control access to data (and control the access)
  8. Endpoint Security

    Secure endpoints (devices like laptops, desktops, and servers) 

When combined with basic organizational measures, they provide a solid foundation of security against the most prevalent IT risks.

What technical measures are best for your company?

You are probably asking yourself this question too. Specific technical measures must naturally be based on the specific situation and needs and size of your organization. A small family business, comprising only a few individuals, and a large company with thousands of employees will require distinct organizational measures.