Tips for cybersecurity measures

Last updated: 2024-03-02

To safeguard valuable information assets businesses must implement a comprehensive approach, including business data and other critical IT assets. Achieving this goal necessitates a harmonious blend of technical,  organizational, legal and education-based security measures. 

Here are some practical tips for cybersecurity measures

1. Prevention is the key

  • Focus on preventing issues before they happen. Dealing with consequences is always costly. By incorporating preventive measures, you can avoid many troubles in the future. 

2. Blend hard and soft measures

  • Boost your security with a blend of technical, organizational, legal, and education-based measures and strategies.
  • The synergy between all types of measures is crucial. Neither can function effectively in isolation.
  • Together, they form a robust shield against cyber threats, ensuring the safety of business operations and valuable assets. 

3. Start with staff awareness

  • Educating your staff on cybersecurity basics can make a huge difference. Everything starts and ends with people.

4. Taylor measures to you situation

  • Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Always customize your cybersecurity approach to your situation, budget, size and situation.
  • Only strategy considering your strengths and weaknesses can with all types of measures can reinforce your organization’s resilience against ever-evolving cyber risks

Preventing rather than addressing consequences

Preventing problems is often more straightforward than dealing with their consequences. A significant portion of security measures focuses on prevention, effectively mitigating potential issues before they escalate. Consider the following example: basic education and awareness among your staff regarding cybersecurity. While not everyone needs to be a cybersecurity expert, fostering a basic understanding of risks—such as infected emails—and promoting simple habits like locking phones and using strong passwords can go a long way in safeguarding your organization.

What cybersecurity measures are suitable for our company?

You are probably asking yourself this question too. Tailored measures should align with the unique context and requirements of your company. Each organization operates under distinct conditions, possesses varying technical resources, employs diverse personnel, and follows specific cultural norms and processes.

Take into account the following compilation of fundamental measures and tools, which are grounded in best practices. These represent the most impactful strategies. Many of these measures are readily implementable and, when combined, provide a foundational level of protection against common IT risks and threats. Adopting these practices should be standard procedure for any company or organization aiming for seamless functionality.

What are the best cyber security measures in practice?

In practical terms, you can adopt these types of  measures to enhance your cybersecurity.

Education and awareness regarding cyber risks

  • Educating and fostering awareness about cyber threats serve as the cornerstone of effective security
  • People who possess even basic knowledge of these threats can take proactive steps to prevent them.

Cyber security technical measures

These include protective mechanisms that can be implemented through physical, software, and hardware means. Examples encompass firewalls, malware scans, anti-virus protection, and regular software updates. These measures act as the first line of defense against external threats.

  • technical measures involve implementing or enhancing both security software and hardware
  • it can also be about physical access to the server room or computers
  • this includes the use of locks or disk encryption as well

Organizational and process cybersecurity measures

These involve the implementation of policies, procedures, and instructions for employees. By adhering to these guidelines, organizations ensure the security of data processing. Organizational measures are essential for maintaining business continuity and protecting sensitive information from both internal and external risks.

  • implementation the security policy
  • implementation of access control processes during onboarding, offboarding and organizational changes
  • ensuring regular software and hardware maintenance processes
  • management of IT assets and processes compliant with ITSM standards 

Legal measures

  • Incorporating Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) into contracts with IT service providers, as well as software and hardware suppliers
  • Incorporating a confidentiality clause into employment contracts