How to create a task

Last updated: 2021-10-25
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You have several options on how to create Tasks in the system. You can choose the one that is the most convenient for you. 

Creating a Task from Tasks Overview

Creating a Task from Tasks Overview is the most common method. You can access the Overview by clicking on ‘Tasks’ in the left menu and clicking on the blue plus sign ‘+ New Task’. The new Task is entirely blank, without any connection to any other information. In the case you have multiple tasks and want better clarity, add them to the item they are connected to, for example, a contract or a project. You can do that by selecting ‘Connect task to item’ in the Task’s top bar.

Name the Task (we recommend naming it so that it will be easily recognizable later). Describe what you need to do, select a responsible person, add people who are ‘Following’, add a due date, and add attachments in any form (a screenshot, a document, etc.)

If you need more information on working with Tasks, you will find it in this article.

create task

Creating a Task connected to a specific item

This way of creating Tasks is most useful; for example, when you want to automatically add a Task to a contract you are currently working on, a computer, you need to get serviced or to anything else. A Task created this way will automatically be connected to a given contract or computer, and you will always be able to find it there.

How do you do that? You can automatically create a Task connected to any record in an Organizer, for example, a project, an employee, a property, or a company. Once you open the record, go to the Tasks tab and create a Task or click on the yellow Task icon in the top part of the record window.

Once you create the Task, it is automatically connected to the record, and you will always see it in the Task tab.

item task

Creating the Task from Minutes

It is possible to directly create a new task from Minutes by clicking on the ‘+ New Task’ icon. You only have to input the Task's name, the responsible person, and the due date. You will be automatically set as 'Following’. After clicking on ‘Save’, the Task is created and will be connected to Minutes. You can work with it in the same way as you would with any other Task. 

tasks in meeting minutes