Home page layout for managers

Last updated: 2024-03-18
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Main menu

In the left side menu, you can find tabs to all important parts of Aptien. By clicking on one of them, you will see the particular overview.

By the tab, you can see a number that has the following meaning.

  • Notifications - a sum of pending notifications
  • Notes - a sum of private and shared notes
  • Tasks - a sum of new tasks
  • Watchdogs - a sum of active watchdogs
  • Favorites - a sum of favorite items
  • Approval - a sum of pending requests for approval
  • Policy portal - a sum of pending documents to confirm
home page

Your Workspace with the list of organizers

Click on your role next to the house icon. This opens your role's workspace. Here you have the list of organizers according to your permissions. To open an organizer, just click on its name and you will be redirected to the organizer, if you click on the star, it will be set as your favorite organizer. Favorites are listed in the upper part of this list and as a tab above your workspace.

 If you are in the administrator role, you can also add a new Organizer.

Create tasks, minutes, and other elements from anywhere

The plus menu is located in the top bar in the top left corner next to your organization's name. Click the "+" icon to open it. You can create a new task, task package, note, or minutes. If the administrator changed the text in an organizer of the "add new item" button, it is also displayed here, and you can add a new item to that organizer from the plus menu.

plus menu

Switch to a different role

You can switch your role from two different places:

  1. By clicking on your current role in the left main menu under your name
  2. By clicking on "You are using the system as" on your Home Page in the top left corner

If the role has a description, you can display it by hovering over the question mark.

switch roles

Search through the system

By clicking on the magnifying glass icon, you open the search bar. You can now start typing anything, and the system displays every related item, task, document, minutes or notes. You can narrow your search to documents, tasks, notes, or minutes.

Texting with colleagues

You can always find the chat on the right side of your screen. Click on one of your colleagues, and a chat window shows up in the bottom right. You can start chatting right away. Press Enter to send the message. The chat windows keep their history of messages between you and your colleagues.

chat with colleagues

Your user settings

You can find a cog to the right left of your profile picture and name where you can change your user settings.

  • You can change your profile picture or set a new password.
  • You can find your personal organizer settings where you can rearrange your favorite Organizers or change the default sorting.
  • In the last section, you can turn off sending notifications to your e-mail or displaying options of tasks in packages.
personal settings

You can move widgets

Except for "Your workspace" you can move individual widgets using drag and drop. You have at your disposal these widgets:

  • Your workspace
  • My connections
  • My Activities - past 7 days
  • What's hot
  • Your saved filters from the organizers

You can turn on or off any widget in the menu by clicking on the cog in the top right corner.


The wizard

You can find the guide (wizard) under the wizard hat that will display guides you can turn on in the bottom left corner.


You switch between Organizers in the top part

In the top part of the page, you see tabs with colored text, and that is the list of your favorite organizers.

Above them in the top bar, you have icons you are used to from social networks, you can find the magnifying glass icon that opens a search field, a notification bell, a chat notification bubble, language selected, log out, and favorites organizer tabs hide arrows. Let's take a look at them:

  • The search field allows you to search within the entire system - you can search through tasks, items, minutes, or notes from anywhere
  • The bubble for chat notifications
  • The bell for any other new notifications (you can view their history in the notification tab)
  • Languages - switch between languages if you turned them on; if you did not turn them on, you have only one language available and no icon will be shown
  • Log out - allows you to log out from the system
  • Arrows - hides or displays the Organizers bar