How To Use Training Organizer

Last updated: 2025-02-19

Ideal for On-Site Training and Instructions

Your organization purchases a number of trainings, but many trainings, instructions, or information transfers take place directly at the workplace. This record of on-site training and instructions serves to give you an overview of all educational activities and a record of what was completed and when. The record allows managers to select and assign work training to individual employees, which they must complete upon their entry or during their employment relationship. Here are some typical entries:

  • Internal training
  • Instructions
  • On-the-job training
  • Instructions for using OOPP
  • And similar

Here, you primarily record training conducted by a direct supervisor, coach, safety technician, or other worker who imparts knowledge directly at the workplace. For each training, you can see basic information:

  • Trainer
  • Training content
  • Type and form of training
  • Basic information about the training
  • Button for training
  • Your employees then confirm that the training took place
  • In the “Issued” tab, you can see an overview of who completed the training and when

Thanks to the employee’s confirmation of the training, you have an overview of who and when completed the training.

how to organize employee training within the company

How employees confirm completion of training

Overview of employees who have completed training

  • On the Assigned tab, you see an overview of people who have completed the training
  • For each training, you have information when it was provided to the employee, or when the employee confirmed the completion of the training
  • For each confirmation, you have information when it expires (if it is a repeated training) and when the worker must complete it again
  • You clearly see which trainings you need to renew
Summary of Employees Who Have Successfully Completed Training

How to divide in the training catalog

If you want to divide the training in your company catalog into different types and also plan periodic training according to them, use categories for this. See how.

  • OOPP
  • Machines and devices
  • Tools

Organizational Information and Training Management

Aptien allows you to:

  • Store training-related data: Maintain records of training content, trainers, and other relevant information.
  • Manage training tasks: Schedule training sessions, book rooms, and coordinate training logistics.
  • Provide feedback and suggestions: Use the "Records" tab to share feedback and propose improvements for future training programs.