How to Organize Training

Last updated: 2025-02-27

This article is intended for HR managers and training and education managers.

As a training manager in your company, you need to have a complete overview of all employee trainings, courses, instructions, and other educational activities, whether your company organizes them itself or orders them from an external training provider. You also need to organize and coordinate individual educational activities across the company. You need to know who participated in which training or course and when.

Training, courses and other employee educational activities

The basis of the training manager's work is a complete agenda around organizing training, ordering, and solving the offer towards employees into the company. To support your work, you have two organizers at your disposal, in which you will work and organize your work

How to organize employee training within the company

Creating a training and course offer

  • In cooperation with the HR manager and line manager and based on the analysis of educational needs, it creates an offer of training, training, courses and educational activities
  • The offer is maintained by the education manager using a training catalog or a catalog of educational courses and events
  • Catalogs allow communication with line managers (or other owners of educational needs)

Organization of individual training, courses and educational events

  • Once the training offer is created, it is necessary to coordinate and organize individual training or course dates
  • Every course or training has a trainer
  • External courses need to be purchased on the education market, ordered, sometimes require accommodation organization, etc.
  • When organizing courses, a number of tasks or records from meetings that you lead to individual training are created
  • When you organize a training, course or educational event, you have all tasks related to it nicely together. If you order and arrange training, you can manage all tasks associated with a specific training from here.
  • Just click on the tab with tasks for the selected training and there you can enter tasks and also see all tasks associated with a specific training.
  • If you need to make a record, which you directly attach to a particular employee training, you do it on the "Organizers" tab.
organization of training using tasks

Overview of employee training requests or completed training

  • You can also keep information about who completed individual training and educational courses
  • You can attach a list of participants to a specific course or training date
  • If you use a company training catalog together with training applications, the list of participants will automatically be created in the background for you
list of trained employees