How to add a new guest

Last updated: 2025-01-27
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You share selected items with guests

A guest is a person outside the company - typically a supplier or customer. A guest is an outsider who only has access to the extranet environment, where they can only see specific items (such as a project) that they have been granted access to. 

How to do it

To share records with guests, the administrator must first enable guest invitations in the extranet settings for a particular Organizer. If it is already enabled, do the following:

  • On the item you want to share with a guest, go to the sharing menu and select "Share with guests"
  • Here, click the plus button next to "Add Guest". In the window that appears, start typing the name

Where will the guest have access to once added?

    The guest will only see information about the shared item. He will not have access to any information other than the one you manually shared. Additionally, the administrator can further configure what specifically guests will see and what they can do:

    • What details about the item they can see
    • Can create tasks or has task creation disabled
    • Can add attachments to tasks, or has it disabled 
    • Can create notes, or has it disabled 
    • Can add attachments, or has it disabled
    • What information the system automatically sends to their email

    You don't see the option "Share with guests" or the information "You cannot currently invite new guests to this item"?  

    This is because your organization (system administrator) has disabled inviting guests to the Organizer you are in. If inviting guests is not allowed by the administrator, you cannot invite guests.