
Last updated: 2025-02-10
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A Guest Can be Your Supplier, subcontractor or Service Technician

  • A guest is a user designated for someone outside the company, such as an external contractor.
  • Typically, this includes suppliers or service technicians.
  • A guest only has access to the extranet, a separate area where you grant them access.
  • They can only see the pages they are invited to.
  • For example, they might only see information related to a specific project or order.
  • You can set what information (details) the guest can see for each record in the extranet settings.
  • You can assign tasks to the guest.
guest the user of extranet

What a guest can see

  • Notifications about current situation: In the notifications overview, they will find all alerts related to tasks or planned activities.
  • Shared information and documents: Such as photos, plans, and other materials.
  • Tasks assigned to them and work orders.

What can a guest do?

  • Submit requests: They can submit requests to the company.
  • Add attachments, documents, photos: They can upload any attachment, file, or image, including documents or photos.
  • Confirm activities: They can confirm the completion of planned activities and tasks.
  • Add notes: They can add notes.

How to Enable and Set Up Guest Access

  • Access is set up individually for each organizer, allowing you to protect your information.
  • In organizers where the extranet is enabled, managers can share specific items.

1. Enable and Configure the Extranet for Each Record:

2. Create Guest Users:

3. Managers Can Invite Guests to Specific Items:

  • Within the records, managers can invite guests to specific items, such as a particular project, tool or machine.
  • Managers grant access to specific items by inviting the guest and sharing the item with them.
  • See how to share an item with a guest.

Guest Licensing Information

  • There is no individual user fee for guests (external users).
  • The company pays for a package that covers a certain number of guests.
  • Packages are available in increments of 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 300, and then in additional increments of 100 guests.
  • This allows you to easily adjust your subscription as the number of guests grows or changes

How create Guest in Aptien