How to share information with Guests

Last updated: 2022-02-03
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While you collaborate with your colleagues inside the company, you see them as users; you can connect with each of them on the intranet or via chat; it's different with people outside. They typically only interact with a select group of people and don't need to or may not even see other people inside the company. You also only need to share selected information with them. For example, you need to share a specific project with suppliers or information about a piece of equipment a company is doing maintenance on. 

This is what the so-called extranet and guests are for - users intended for people on the outside

You will see or invite people from the outside (for example, your customers, partners, or suppliers) to Aptien as guests. Guests see the whole system in a completely different way. They don't see the system as you do but only see a selected item (for example, a specific project or a specific job) that you work on with them and make available to them via the extranet. 

It's like giving someone in your house access only to the hallway, and they can no longer enter the rest of the house. 

The extranet is for your customers or suppliers

An extranet is used to make selected information available to people outside the company. The extranet can be accessed by guests who have limited options, and security will not allow them to see anything other than the items accessed (typically a project, a contract) and can only see the basic information, tasks, and notes they are invited to and can comment on the tasks they are invited to. 

  • Aptien view: a special environment (Extranet) is prepared for guests, which is completely different from the classic Aptien view
  • Permissions: unlike a user, a guest does not get an assigned role, according to which permissions are assigned (what they can see and do). Its environment is basically empty. It is filled only with information shared (made available) by regular Aptien users
  • Limitation of numbers: guests are not counted as regular Aptien users. However, their number is limited depending on the license (price plan) purchased

How you share information using extranet

You always share a specific item with guests on the extranet

Because you don't want to let guests, people from outside the company, into the whole system, the approach here is completely different from regular users, i.e., your colleagues inside the company. 

  1. Open the item you want to share with the guest
  2. In the top right corner of the middle part of the screen, click on the share icon
  3. Select "Share with guests"
  4. Add the guest and save

You will see a "shared with guests" sign next to the sharing icon when you add your first guest.

How do you share a task, note, minutes 

Wherever you can add users, whether it's in a task, a note, or minutes, you can add a guest in the same way. 

Guests can comment on tasks and notes they have been invited to.

Tip: If, for example, the name of the guest you want to add does not appear in the task, it is because the guest does not have access to the item to which the task is attached. Tasks that are not assigned to any item cannot be shared with guests.

What you can invite a guest to

You can invite a guest to a specific item, typically a project, an apartment building. The guest then has access to selected information.