How to add a new user

Last updated: 2025-01-28
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You must be an administrator to create or invite a new user.

How to add a user in Aptien

  1. Go to the administration section and select the “Users” menu.
  2. Choose “+ Add a new user” and follow the provided options.
  3. Save the settings.
How to add user in aptien

Which type of user to choose?

Choose the type of user according to your needs: whether the new user is from your company or if they will only have access to individual information as a guest:

  • Manager is a standard user who works with the full version of the system
  • Employee user is for regular employees and has a personal self-service and intranet 
  • Guest user is mainly for external staff and only has access to selected information in the form of an extranet. He/she has no access to any information other than that which you manually share with him/her (specific items, tasks, notes, minutes, etc.)