Organizer template

Last updated: 2021-05-12
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This article is for administrators only.

Templates are pre-made Organizers

You can change or add organizers, depending on your company’s needs. You can create an Organizer from scratch, make it your own, or you can use pre-made templates if you do not wish to do so.

The reason behind using templates is to bring you the best practices and make it easier and faster to start with the system in your organization.

Each Organizer includes a set of pre-defined details, which are created based on the best practices. That does not mean that it will suit your needs completely. The administrator can delete details you don’t need, create new ones, Group, or move details into the new unit. They can also change the type of the details (for example, from text-only to multiple choice), create new categories, etc.

organizer templates

What Organizer’s template can you use?

Once you create an Organizer, you can decide if you use one of the templates or start from scratch. It is similar to starting a new Excel spreadsheet; you can either use one of the templates or create your spreadsheet.