
Last updated: 2025-02-23

Confirming Actual Status with a Physical Inventory

Conducting a physical inventory is essential for verifying the actual status of assets and preventing losses. Whether you manage manufacturing facilities, office spaces, conference rooms, or construction sites, performing physical checks helps maintain accurate information about the actual status of your assets. You can verify all equipment, machinery, instruments, or other assets located at your workplace (offices, workshops, or other areas) through an equipment inventory. This process ensures that the actual status of items recorded in your records is confirmed, and you know what is in each room.

Overview of Equipment at Each Workplace

  • View Equipment Overview: For each workplace, you can see an overview of its equipment.
  • Confirm or Refute Status: Using an application, you can confirm or refute the status of the equipment.
  • Comprehensive Inventory: The entire inventory process always consists of partial inventories (e.g., individual workplaces).

How to Start a Workplace Inventory Audit

Only authorized personnel with access to the inventory menu can initiate the inventory process. If you have the necessary permissions:

  1. Go to the Inventory Audit Menu: Navigate to the "Inventory Audit" menu.
  2. Select Asset Inventory by Location: Choose the asset inventory "By Location" and click the "Select and Start" button.

Assembling the Workplace Inventory Audit

The entire inventory audit process always consists of partial audits (from individual workplaces). You can include one or more workplaces, depending on your situation. Select individual workplaces in the second step.

  1. Enter Audit Name: After starting the audit, enter a name for the audit so you can easily find it later. Today's date will be automatically filled in.
  2. Select Workplaces: Next, select individual workplaces (or other locations if you have named them differently) as partial audits.
  3. Start Audits: Once you have assembled the entire audit and selected all the workplaces you want to include, you can start the partial audits one by one. Start each partial audit using the "Start" button. Each workplace is started separately.

Conducting the Workplace Inventory Audit

  1. Starting the Audit: After starting a partial audit (for individual workplaces), you will check the actual status against the audit list displayed on the screen.
  2. Loading Equipment List: Once the audit is started, the equipment list for the workplace will be loaded onto the screen.
  3. Confirming Items: For each item checked (equipment), confirm whether you found it or not and add any notes if necessary.
  4. Closing the Audit: A partial audit can only be closed after all equipment on the audit list has been checked.

Completing and Closing the Entire Inventory Audit Process

  1. Complete All Partial Audits: The entire audit can only be closed after all partial audits are completed.
  2. Modify Audit: Until the entire audit is completed, you can modify it by adding or deleting partial audits.
  3. Delete Audit: Until the entire audit is completed, you can delete the entire audit.
  4. Close Audit Process: Once all partial audits are completed and closed, you can close the entire audit process as of a specific date.
  5. Archiving: Once the audit is closed, it is only available for viewing and can be archived.