Top 10 Employee Requests

Last updated: 2025-03-05
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What are Employee Requests?

  • During their employment, employees raise various types of inquiries, needs, requests, and submissions.
  • These encompass a broad range of requests directed to HR, IT, facilities, or managers, including service requests, incident reports, leave requests, and more.
  • Based on our experience and statistics, here are the ten most common employee requests

List of 10 Most Common Employee Requests 

  1. Requirements for work equipment
  2. Leave requests or other time off (HR)
  3. Equipment requests
  4. Fixing a laptop malfunction or changing/resetting a password
  5. Reimbursement of expenses (finance)
  6. Purchase request (finance)
  7. Requests for personal work equipment
  8. Request for training or personal development
  9. Access to personnel files
  10. Authorization of documents