What does change tracking mean?
- Change tracking sends you a notification when another user changes a value (text, number, enumeration) in the record.
Common Use Cases for Monitoring Value Changes
See examples of what you can solve with the value change monitor:
- Notification when a contract is archived
- Notification on the status of an asset
- Notification on a change in risk value
How to Set Up Value Change Monitoring
Monitoring can be enabled for various fields that you manage in your records. You can have multiple monitors enabled and you can change them freely at any time.
- Select an item in the record (for example, a contract, equipment, risk) or another item you need to monitor
- Select the field for which you want to monitor the value change
- Click on the watchdog icon and then select "+ Set up new monitoring"
- Fill in the name of the monitor
- Configure the monitor according to your needs (monitor options are described below)
- In the settings of each monitor, you can also specify which colleagues the monitor should also notify. Or whether a task should be created from the monitor, so if the activity requires the implementation of a certain activity, it is appropriate to create a task for the responsible users
- Save