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The best way to generate QR codes for asset tags in bulk depends on your preferred tools and technical expertise. Here are a basic, most simple three methods:

Using Online QR Code Generators with Bulk Uploads

Several online tools allow you to upload a CSV file and generate multiple QR codes at once. Here are some popular ones: QR Code Monkey (supports batch generation), GoQR.me (has a bulk option), QRStuff.com

  1. Prepare a CSV file with asset information (e.g., asset ID, name, URL).
  2. Upload the file to the generator.
  3. Download the generated QR codes as PNGs, PDFs, or SVGs for printing.

Using Excel + QR Code Add-Ins

In Excel, you can use add-ins to create QR codes directly. 

  1. Install the QR4Office add-in (Microsoft Store).
  2. Use formulas like =IMAGE("https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?data=" & A2 & "&size=100x100") to generate QR codes dynamically.

Using Google Sheets + Google Apps Script

Google Sheets can generate QR codes

  1. using a simple formula: =IMAGE("https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=150x150&cht=qr&chl=" & A2)
  2. This auto-generates a QR code for each asset ID in column A.