Asset Assignment Form

Last updated: 2025-02-01
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What is Asset Assignment Form

Asset Assignment Form is a document used by organizations to allocate or transfer the ownership, responsibility, or usage rights of a specific asset from one individual, department, or entity to another. This practice ensures that assets are properly managed, utilized, and accounted for within an organization. Widely used for documenting the handover of company assets like laptops, phones, or equipment to employees.

Sometimes alternative designations are used: Property Assignment Form used when covering both physical equipment and items like access cards or office keys. Equipment Handover Form is often used in IT and technical environments, focusing specifically on hardware or technical equipment.

The Asset Assignment Form includes

  • Employee Information: Name, ID, job title, department, and supervisor.
  • Asset Details: Description, serial number, date issued, condition, and assignment date.
  • Assignment Confirmation: A section for the employee to sign, confirming receipt of the asset.
  • Verification: A section for HR, IT, or management to verify and sign off on the assigned items

A printed phone handover form is a one-off ready-made print forms used for handing over and the proof of handover of the mobile phone to the employee.  Confirmation is done by signing a printed report that you can print directly from Aptien.  

  • The form automatically fills in the selected information from the phone record, for example, type and manufacturer of the phone, IMEI
  • It saves the result in PDF format, which you can then easily print
  • In addition, you can also use digital handover forms.
Printed handover form for asset