How to use the Projects Organizer

Last updated: 2023-12-07
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Projects overview in your company

Managers or project leaders need to control and coordinate the work around projects, and this Organizer is for them. They can distribute Tasks for each project, follow the completion of project Tasks, upload documents for each project, and make them available to other project members. The Organizer contains the list of all projects within your company. Each project contains basic information and all the meeting minutes or tasks. 

How to use it for project management

  • The list of all projects
  • Distribution of project tasks 
  • Recording of project meeting minutes
  • Milestones
  • Project documents and their sharing
  • Suppliers and sharing documents with them
projects organizer

How to start a new project

You can create a new project using the "+ Add project" button if you have the permission to do so. If not, you must ask an administrator or colleague who has permission to do so. 

Once the project has been created, you can add your information to it and start organizing your work on the project using tasks.