How to categorize business processes
The process map is an overview of all the business processes across the entire organization. It is a process model of the entire company, not just one specific process.
- It helps to describe the responsibilities of individual managers, other workers or organizational units
- It divides processes into core, supporting and management processes and puts processes in all contexts
- The process map divides company processes according to their subject and also according to the flow of value in the company
What is a process map good for?
- You need to have the processes described because of the workloads and workflows and the division of responsibilities
- It helps to create descriptions of individual processes that do not hang in a vacuum
- It is the basis for the organization chart and the division of competences of managers
- The process map is the basic backbone for internal policies and procedures
- Processes are the source of risks, so they are the input for risk analysis
- It helps determine the flow of value in the business
Basic breakdown of processes in the organization
The map divides the processes into five basic areas, which are interconnected and are further divided into individual processes. The basic process areas are:
Core Business Processes
- Sales and customer relations processes
- Processes of production and provision of services
Supporting Processes
- Human resource management processes
- Financial management processes
- IT and information management and management processes
- Asset management and work environment management processes
- Purchasing and supplier relations processes
- The management and running processes of the organization - are needed to manage the company
Sales and customer relations processes
- They are the main processes of every organization, they give the organization a sense of existence and create its value
- They are all key facing towards the customer of the organization
- This includes the overall customer relationship and sales
- Together with the production processes, the value of the organization and the value for the customer are created here
Processes of production or provision of services
- Together with sales, they form the main processes of the organization
- It is all the processes in which the product of the organization is created - that is, a product or a service
- They are all activities and processes that produce products or services for customers
- In the case of manufacturing companies, their subject is therefore the production of goods, products or the provision of services to customers for service organizations
Resource management processes
resource management and management processes are among the supporting processes of the organization. Their subject is the administration and management of the main resources of the organization, such as people, material, infrastructure, information and financial resources. In this way, they support the main processes of the organization so that it can provide its products to customers.
- They are all the activities and processes that enable the main processes to function
- This includes resource management processes
- They are processes in the company's back office
Human Resource Management
- Human work - most processes cannot be done without the work of people
- Payroll accounting
Management of financial resources
- Finance - every process consumes financial resources, either directly or through other sources
- Accounting processing
Information management and IT
- Information, data and knowledge
- IT management
- Management of the work environment, infrastructure and assets of the organization
- Assets and infrastructure that business processes need to use
Maintenance of the working environment
- Maintenance of machinery and equipment
- Building management
- Work tools and equipment
Materials management
- Material resources that it consumes - a large part of the processes consumes material as an input
- Warehouse management
Procurement and purchasing
Purchasing provides sourcing and purchasing, supplier selection, and includes all supplier relationships.
- Purchasing processes
- Recruitment of new employees
- Supplier selection procedure
Management and running of the organization
This includes all processes whose goal is the running and functioning of the organization, the company as a whole. This includes strategic activities, planning and management of the organization and everything related to it
- Strategy, planning and budgeting
- Organizational management processes
- GRC (Governance, Risk & Compliance), i.e. risk, security and compliance management
- Quality control
- Lawyer services
- External communication and relations with the surrounding environment
Communication and relationships
The organization does not hang in a vacuum, its purpose and processes work with the surrounding environment
- customers,
- suppliers,
- owners and
- other third parties.