How to set up equipment checkin and checkout from storage

Last updated: 2025-02-03

This article is intended for administrators.

When you need and want to use electronic checkout - storing or unloading an item from or to a storage facility, you will use digital checkout forms.

  • So, as a first step, you need to have the storages created, which will be offered to you when defining checkout-checkin actions.

As the administrator you can do the following:

  1. Select the organizer where you keep what you want to put in the storage (for example, computers)
  2. Go to the organizer settings 
  3. Open the "Action Buttons" tab
  4. Select "Add new action button" and select the handover action you want to implement
  5. Select "Check-in to location" if you want to transfer the item to storage, for example to store a laptop in an IT warehouse or a file in a cabinet
  6. Select "Checkout from location" if you want to return back an item from storage, for example checkout a laptop from the IT warehouse, checkout a file from the cabinet
  7. Select "Transfer between locations" if you want to transfer an item between two storages, places or locations
how to set up checkin-checkout from storages