How to create inspection plans

Last updated: 2024-02-14

This article is for facility managers, quality managers, office managers, or other people who are in charge of inspections and monitoring them in the company.

Activity plans will highlight all mandatory maintenance activities

Activity plans are intended for those who need to plan for repeated inspections/maintenance. For those who want to be notified automatically and on time of the upcoming maintenance activity. The system not only alerts you to individual deadlines and obligations in time, but also allows you to confirm individual maintenance. When confirming individual checks, you have the option not only to attach text information, but you can also attach any documentation about the performed maintenance, such as protocols or other confirmations or documents. All this is attached to the item and you will never have to search for documents taking a long time.

  • The system automatically monitors and warns about upcoming maintenance dates
  • You can see an overview of a specific device as well as the overall annual plan
  • You confirm the maintenance and attach the reports
  • After creating plans, you must also activate them (see below)
revision plan for the equipment

How to add a maintenance schedule in Aptien 

You create maintenance and inspection plans using activity plans directly from the card of a specific property or device. From it, you can add both individual maintenance activities and activities common to all devices in a given record or category. For example, if you set a maintenance schedule for one elevator, you will have it for all elevators.

Plans are used to monitor and track individual types of maintenance to your property, machinery, equipment, etc. They combine the planning of work in a given period of time, when it should be done and who should do it.

  1. Go to the Equipment/Property record and select the item for which you want to set the plan
  2. Click on the "Activity Plans" tab
  3. Press the "Add activity type" button
  4. Name the type of review or check to be carried out, e.g. inspection, enter this in the "Activity name" field
  5. Select the recurrence period (recurring or one-time) and then press the "Save" button
  6. Choose whether the activity applies to all devices, only a certain type, or just one specific device
  7. Save

For all items means that the maintenance will be created for all items in the given Organizer (i.e., for all devices)

Only for ... means that the activity plan will be created only for this property, machine or device

For ... means that the activity plan will be created for all devices of the given type.

how to set the revision activity

Now you have a plan entered. You enter all other types of maintenance you perform in the same way. Once you have compiled all the maintenance and inspection plans for your property and their frequency, you will have a plan with set reminders for when each one needs to be done.

In order for the reminders to start working, activity plans need to be activated, i.e. enter or schedule the date of the first maintenance.

Starting the activity plan and reminding them of their dates

Once you have established all the plans, you need to start the individual dates, i.e. plan or confirm their start. This means setting the date from which the monitoring period should start, or when the maintenance activity is scheduled.

Once you schedule your first appointment, Aptien will start automatic maintenance tracking. And you're done!

Annual schedule of maintenance and inspections for all facilities

You can get an overall overview of individual maintenance in specific months for all your equipment thanks to the annual overview. You can view it from "Reports", which can be found in the left menu.

  1. Click on the Reports menu
  2. Filter the records for which you need to see the annual plan
  3. In the right part you will see the button "Annual Maintenance Plan"
  4. After clicking on it, you will be presented with the following report, which shows the next 12 months