Equipping employees, assigning and returning assets and work equipment

Last updated: 2024-09-11

When companies need to solve the equipment of workers

Each company deals with entrusting, handing over or taking over property, especially work equipment and aids. In small teams, there is no need for records, everything is on a personal basis, can be memorized, or maintained in paper or Excel records. However, for higher numbers of people, typically 20 to 40 people, this method becomes unsustainable and companies should start using digital records of issued items.

  1. issuance and entrustment of work tools and equipment during employee onboarding
  2. continuous change of work equipment during the employment relationship
  3. handing over or returning work equipment during employee offboarding (termination of employment, retirement)
Options for transferring or taking over employee equipment

Issuance of work equipment to employees

  • Issuing work equipment and tools is intensive and important, especially at the beginning of the work process or when changing jobs. Most often, work aids or other equipment for workers (for example, keys, access cards, computer or mobile phone) go to new employees

Transfer of property between employees

  • One of the tasks of property management is transfers. Even transfers of property, typically office equipment or work tools, between employees. The system records the history of transfers of individual pieces of property between employees, so it is possible to trace back who worked with the given property in the past.

Returning issued work equipment

Examples of work equipment that typically need to be returned upon termination of employment or change of jobs :

  • Tools and electronic devices: Laptops, computers, tablets, smartphones, and any other electronic equipment provided by the company.
  • Identification and authorization elements: Keys, Access cards, security badges, and other forms of identification issued by the company.
  • Company property: Tools, uniforms, or any other items owned by the company.
  • Confidential documents: Any sensitive or proprietary information that the employee had access to during their employment.

What are the best options for checkout, handing over and taking over property

Handing over and receiving can be done either on paper or digitally

  • Digital check-out and issuance streamlines processes by eliminating paperwork and enabling electronic confirmation. Employees can easily confirm or sign documents directly on their mobile devices. This not only reduces the need for paper storage but also accelerates workflows and enhances efficiency. An electronic signature or employee user account is required for digital confirmation.
  •  Printed form - is suitable for situations where, processes, standards or legislation require "paper" with a physical signature. Enable you to print a form on paper, which can be physically signed and subsequently archived or scanned