Detail formats

Last updated: 2021-06-03
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What detail formats are available


  • Single line text - text field, one line only
  • Multi-line text - text field with multiple lines
  • Www page - this format allows the detail to open the specified web pages directly from the detail by clicking on the icon, checks the format when entering 
  • Email - this format allows to open an email message directly with the specified address from the detail by clicking on the icon, checks the format when entering
  • Google map - this format allows you to enter an address and then display it on the map
  • Richtext - this format is a simple text editor with the ability to insert images and videos


  • Integer - a plain number can be entered, or units can be entered from which the user then selects (e.g., USD, ft, lb, etc.)
  • Decimal number - set the number of decimal places, the unit can be assigned


  • Classic Yes/No checkbox option

Date and time

  • Classic date selection via calendar and time entry


  • This format allows you to embed tags describing selected item properties (for example, for staff language skills - German, English, etc.)

Special formats


  • Allows you to specify the options from which the user selects (for example, for the "Gender" detail, the enumeration is defined as the values "male" and "female")


  • Allows you to specify a classic table
  • When defining this detail, the administrator must specify the names and formats of the table columns
  • The formats that can be selected include single line text, integer, and decimal, date, checkbox, special formats include enumeration and binding. For example, the table of business activities can have the structure: When (date), Where (text), Who (link to the entries in the "Employees" record), With whom (link to the entries in the "Contacts" record) and Result (text)


  • Allows you to create and display links to other items

Multi list

  • This function combines the list and checkbox functions
  • It allows you to select multiple parameters within a list using checkboxes