What are SOP (Standard Operating Procedures)

Last updated: 2025-02-03

Definition of SOP (Standard Operating Procedure)

Standard operating procedures, together with company policies are the basic internal company documents that helps to manage processes and behavior of people. SOP is usually structured description and provide clear instructions on how to perform a process, task or an activity. The SOP have to contain:

  • What need to be done
  • Who is to carry it out and
  • how to do it.

Standard operating procedure must be specific and provide clear instructions to workers for the task at hand. SOP are available to workers so that they have all the information on how to complete their job or work tasks step by step.

In some cases, the standard operating procedure is not detailed enough and an even more detailed document is needed. Work instructions or manuals are very detailed documents describing individual work tasks in detail and often also include best practice for each activity. They are in the form of a document that contains detailed instructions for workers, for example for machine operators, how to perform a specific action or activity.

what is SOP standard operating procedure

Why standard operating procedures are important

  • SOPs unify the way business processes and their activities are carried out
  • It is one of the ways to unify the behavior of people, employees, suppliers and the like
  • Many companies include standard operating procedures as a tool for best practice
  • They are used in the training of employees during onboarding
  • SOPs help reduce mistakes during performing work tasks and processes
  • Standard procedures are typically used to support employees by providing the specific steps that need to be followed to complete a job or task

Examples of a SOP, standard procedures

  • Installing a software
  • Tracing a lost payment 
  • Submitting an order request 
  • Preparing a proposal 
  • Planning a webinar 

What should a standard procedure contains

SOP typically contains elements such as:

  • SOP Purpose and definition of terms
  • What needs to be accomplished and how it will be executed
  • Who performs what action
  • Description of individual steps and responsibilities for them
  • Tools and information used 

How Aptien can help you with standard operating procedures