How the digital checkout form works

Last updated: 2024-09-18

Handover of work equipment using a digital checkout form

The digital handover allows you to hand over, checkout, assign, or entrust any item to an employee. Typically work equipment, tools or other property. However, you can hand over anything that you keep in Aptien. The employee confirms the receipt by signing on a mobile phone and sees what has been issued to them in their about me home screen. The person responsible for the property can see where the piece of property is. 

You can also use the digital handover report to add or remove an item from a storage or place. 

Handover process always needs two people:

  • Responsible person - is the person who is responsible for the handing over. These are Aptien users who have permission to do this, they see the handover button. They have to be logged into the system.
  • Receiving or confirming person  - is the person who confirms that the item has been handed over to them. He or she does not have to be logged into the system at the checkout time, just confirms (by signing) on the screen that it has happened.

How the handover process works

  1. The responsible person logs into Aptien
  2. Choose the object to be handed over (for example, a computer) for which a handover button appears
  3. The employee takes the item and confirms it on the display of the phone with a signature
  4. Employee sees in his about me home screen in the portal what was handed over and when
How the digital handover form works

What and how you can hand over

With the help of digital handover protocols, you can hand over equipment such as various devices, machines or even protective equipment, situations that frequently occur in business.

1. A specific machine, device, computer and the like

  • You are handing over a specific item (specific laptop, phone, car, SIM card, parking card)
  • You keep it in the records under a unique identifier, number (inventory number, ID, serial number, registration mark, QR code, card number, etc.)
  • Thus, a specific thing can typically be issued to only one person
  • A person typically returns a specific device, for example, after completing a project, contract, after the warranty expires or at the end of employment

2. Several pieces of work equipment or aids

  • You hand over or issue a number of work equipment
  • You don't track specific pieces, it's often not even possible in practice
  • You only track what and how much the worker received
  • For example, it concerns work protective equipment such as uniforms, shoes, safety glasses, overalls, helmets, shirts...
  • Typically you track their eventual expiration or lifetime to generate a new claim
  • Equipment can be issued in larger numbers and is characterized by some feature (for example, shoe size, protective helmet size)
  • It is possible to track their sizes and according to the size registered with the worker
  • For such aids, you monitor the sizes and prepare plans and documents for the purchase according to the sizes

To whom or where you can transfer

With digital handover protocols, you can either hand over or entrust something to other employees, service technicians, etc. The other person must be an Aptien user. Or you can hand over to a location, such as a room, a cabinet, a depot, a company branch - in short, anything you specify. 

Handover protocols always need 2 people:

  • Responsible person - is the person who is responsible for handing over or receiving. It is the Aptien user who has permission to do this, they see the submit button. They must be logged into the system.
  • Accepting or confirming person - is a person who confirms that the given item has been handed over to them. They do not have to be logged into the system, they just confirm (by signing) on the screen that this has happened.

Condition verification using inventory of entrusted equipment

Each employee can see all entrusted or transferred equipment on their personal page. You can check everything at any time, verify the actual state of things and run an inventory of entrusted property.

Summary of digital handover process

  • The handover button is shown in organizers with the subject of handover. So, for example, the button for computers is in the computer organizer. 
  • To run the handover process (those with the handover button) is allowed for authorized persons only (authorized role), set by the administrator
  • Only the authorized person can then run the handover process
  • The employee then confirms the handover by signing on the screen or just by confirming using the button
  • To run the digital handover, use the action button