What is On-Job Training

Last updated: 2025-01-23

Definition of On Job Training

On-the-job training (OJT) is a method of training directly at the workplace, during which the worker practically learns how to perform work. On-the-job training is therefore practically focused, where a more experienced worker, trainer, foreman or direct supervisor guides the employee on how to perform specific work tasks, how to use work tools, aids or even protective work aids.

On-the-job training (OJT) is a practical approach to acquiring new competencies and skills needed for a job in a real or close-to-real working environment. During OJT, employees learn how to use specific tools, equipment, PPE and work aids directly at the workplace. Rather than relying solely on presentations or worksheets, OJT allows workers to learn by doing. Here are the key points:

  • Workplace-based learning: OJT occurs at the workplace, with guidance from a supervisor, manager, or another knowledgeable employee.

  • Onboarding process: OJT is part of the onboarding and adaptation process, where new employees gain firsthand experience with work procedures, workplace expectations, and equipment operation.

  • Duration: OJT can last from hours to weeks, depending on the complexity of the job tasks.

  • Gradual transition: Initially, new employees may shadow experienced colleagues and gradually transition to performing tasks independently under supervision.

  • Practical experience: OJT provides practical experience similar to what employees encounter daily. Unlike other training methods (such as online courses or seminars), OJT allows employees to practice their job while still learning.

  • Faster learning: OJT enables faster learning, as employees quickly grasp their job responsibilities and perform at an acceptable level.

How Aptien can help you plan and confirm on-the-job training

  • Plan on-the-job training activities using training plans
  • A manager or worker can confirm when the training is done
how to confirm on-job-training