Asset Library: An overview of all primary assets in your organization
For information, cyber security and NIS2 requirements, you need to maintain a catalogue of the information assets in your organisation. To do this, the primary assets organizer is used, which is intended to create and maintain an overview, a catalog of all primary information assets in your organization. We recommend using this organizer together with the records of supporting and technical assets, together with risks catalog, vulnerabilities and threats. This will give you a comprehensive overview of all the context you need to manage risk and meet your obligations under NIS2 and the Cybersecurity Act respectively.
- You get an overview of all primary assets
- Comprehensive inventory of primary assets across the company
- Detailed asset card for each individual primary asset
- You manage all dependencies and relations on secondary (support and technical) assets, risks, vulnerabilities and threats
Dependencies between primary and supporting assets
- For the purposes of complying with NIS2 and the Cybersecurity Act, you must also record dependencies between primary and supporting assets
- One primary asset may be dependent on several supporting assets
- A single supporting asset may support multiple primary assets
- In Aptien, you maintain this information as links between your organizers of primary and supporting asset inventories