How to use the Building Organizer

Last updated: 2024-04-08
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This Organizer is intended for facility managers, asset managers, operations managers, or employees with a similar job description.

Overview of all your buildings and premises in your company

You will get an overview of buildings in your company and detailed information about them (rent, equipment, or security). You can interlink it with the "Rooms" Organizer if security is your main concern. You can easily prove security standards using this Organizer. Record all your maintenances and regular inspections.

  • Name or designation of the building
  • Building revisions and monitoring of revision deadlines
  • Doors in the building (select the doors from the "Doors" Organizer that are located in the building)
  • Regular checks and automatic reminders
  • Other information about buildings
Buildings organizer

Use for building inspections, deadline monitoring and record keeping

You can create checklists of building inspections with the help of your organizer. The list can then be used to schedule and confirm the inspections. You will be able to store all the inspection reports in one place.

  • Creating building inspection checklists
  • Scheduling building inspections
  • Confirmation of all inspections
  • Storing of all inspection reports in one place

Using building records in security management

If building security is important to you, then we recommend using the buildings organizer together with other organizers such as rooms, doors, keys and access cards.

  • In the building records, you keep overall information about the security of the building, for example, the electronic security system or other physical security of the building
  • In the room organizer, you keep detailed information about the security of each room, such as access systems, locks fitted, keys issued, etc.
  • Alternatively, depending on the complexity of your buildings, you can use an organizer of the doors in the building (or other entry points to the building)
  • You can use the keys and keycards organizer to keep track of issued entrances