Overview of Issued Work Equipment

Last updated: 2025-01-26

This article is for employees responsible for distributing and issuing work equipment and aids. This guide helps you manage and track the issuance of work equipment to employees, ensuring efficient inventory control and planning.

Overview of Issued Work Equipment

As the person responsible for work equipment, you will find an overview for each item (e.g., work boots size 42):

  • Recipient and Date of Issue: Details of who received the equipment and when.
  • Expiration and New Claims: Information on when the issued equipment expires and when a new claim can be made.
  • Available Inventory: The number of pieces currently available for issue.
  • Total in Circulation: The total number of pieces in circulation, including both available and issued items.

How to Access the Issued Equipment Overview

  1. Open the register where you keep the work equipment (e.g., Computers or Protective Equipment).
  2. Select a specific item (e.g., Work boots size 42).
  3. Go to the “Assigned” tab.
  4. Here, you will see an overview of all currently issued equipment.

How to Track the Number of Pieces of Work Equipment in Circulation

For work tools or other equipment with multiple pieces, you can track:

  • Issued Equipment: The number of pieces issued to employees.
  • Stock Inventory: The number of pieces available in stock, ready to be issued.
  • This information helps you easily plan the purchase of new work tools.

How to track and set the number of pieces


By following these steps, you can efficiently manage your work equipment inventory, ensuring that all employees have the necessary tools while maintaining accurate records.