Requests and reports - now new tab on the items
- Some time ago, we enabled the ability to attach requests and reports to specific items in the application - for example, reporting a fault in a specific room
- You can now set up a view of requests from the attached item view as well - so for a room you can see all the requests that have been attached to the room
- You control the display of the request tab for an item in the role settings
- Requests and reports can now be shared between users using a direct link to the request.
App enhancements
Requests notifications
- We have extended active alerts to all standard requests and reporting tasks
- Clicking on an alert opens the specific case - the request to which the alert applies
Organizer Dashboard
- We have added a table "Activity plans" to the Dashboard organizer, the table contains standard plans and their standard export.
Users - working with groups
- For each user, we have added the ability to assign users directly to a user group, so it is not necessary to add users only from the user group administration
- In terms of user groups, we have changed the way users are selected, you can now add users by selection, and you can also search for users by name