How to export and import print forms

Last updated: 2022-02-28
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This article is for administrators only.

Users run the print form in the same way as reports - in the organizer's tab, click on the three dots in the top right corner and click "Run Report", then select the print form.

How to export a print form

You can export print forms, but this process deletes the contents of all the detail fields (variables) and you must add them again after importing.

How to do it:

  1. Go to administrate
  2. Select the "Datasheets" (organizers) tab
  3. Select the organizer in which you have the form
  4. At the very bottom click on "Manage print forms"
  5. Hover over the form and click on the second button from the right side
export print form

How to import a print form

You can import print forms into all your organizers and save yourself the hassle of creating a completely new blank form.

How to:

  1. Go to administrate
  2. Select the "Datasheets" (organizers) tab
  3. Select the record in which you have the form
  4. Click on "Manage print forms" at the very bottom
  5. At the top, click on "Import Form"
  6. On your computer, locate and select the form file with the .conf extension

You can now open the form and add details (variables), set the form access for roles, or change the form name and description. You can then run the print form from the Items tab of the organizer in the same way as you run reports in the organizer.

import form