What is new in 2202 (02/22/22)

Last updated: 2022-02-23
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Edit employee document uploads

  • All users now see an "Employee personnel files" block in the "About Me" tab where they can see their personal folder and all the files in it. That is all files and attachments that HR has uploaded to his/her tab in the Employees organizer. If you create folders in Employees organizer, users can upload files to them and avoid sending files via email. This feature therefore further enhances the communication possibilities between the employee and the company.
employee personnel files

Option to add employee links

  • We have modified the options for adding links to employees. For each detail where there is a link to an employee, anyone can create the link and does not need access to the Employees organizer. This way, there is no risk that anyone other than HR and management can read information about your employees outside of the "Colleagues" tab.

The administrator can delete posts on the message board

  • The administrator can now delete any post on the message board (wall).


  • Search in administration, specifically in roles and users, was not working - fixed
  • Adding a guest as responsible after creating a task - fixed