How to use the Contacts Organizer

Last updated: 2021-10-11

The Contacts organizer serves as a directory of people outside your company

The Contacts Organizer includes contact information about people outside your company. It is a shared directory of people outside your company. These people can be contacts, suppliers, customers or anyone in a contractual relationship with you. For information about companies, use the Companies Organizer. Thanks to this Organizer, you can share the directory throughout the entire company. You can search in the Contacts Organizer and rearrange your contacts.

Detailed contact information for each person

You keep detailed records of each individual:

  • First name and Last name
  • Company
  • Documents and attachments
  • Meeting minutes
  • Contact details
Contacts organizer

Overview of meeting minutes for each contact

If you have a meeting with someone outside your company and you create a record of it, this record is automatically attached to the contact. This will give you an overview of when, where, and what you discussed with that particular person. You can also create a note directly to a specific contact card. 

You can update and edit the information on the contact card whenever you need to. In the Minutes tab, you can see all records of events with the contact, whether created by you or by one of your colleagues who has access to the contact record. All entries are automatically attached to the contact.  
meetings minutes in Contacts

Personal notes to contacts

If you want to make a private note about a contact, you can use a private note: create one in the Notes tab. If you leave it private, no one else will see it. If you need to share notes on a contact with your colleagues, simply select with whom and share the note. 

How to add a new contact

To add a new contact, click on the "Add contact" button. The system will ask you to fill in the first and last name and then create a new entry in the contact directory. The tab of the newly created contact will then open and you will fill in any other necessary information you have and save the form after checking it.