How to raise cyber security awareness

Last updated: 2023-10-13

Cyber-educated employees causing fewer problems

Your company is responsible for the security of your business using a variety of technical, organizational and other tools. Educated and aware employees are the foundation of the security. Make sure they understand their roles in the business and all relevant policies and procedures, and that you provide them with regular briefings to increase their awareness of cyber threats and the information security. In principle, initial training and subsequent continuous maintenance of their knowledge is essential

  • Introductory education about cyber-security and possible threats
  • Continuous education, maintaining the knowledge

Forms and methods of increasing cyber literacy

Raising awareness of cyber threats, potential vulnerabilities, and adopting basic cyber hygiene habits is an ongoing and never-ending process. On the one hand, people forget, and on the other hand, threats evolve and new ones are appearing.

Likewise, there are more ways to get this information to your people, and none of these forms cannot work effectively on its own. Education is not only about sending people to training, but they can learn a lot of useful information in other forms - at meetings from their superiors or read about it on company notice boards. You always need a suitable mix of them. For different team size, type of employees or company culture, different methods and its composition of this mix works. 

  • Policy portal with published information and policies
  • Company intranet, bulletings, walls etc.
  • e-learning
  • On-site or off-site training
  • Team meetings with direct supervisor (line manager)