Crutial processes for enhancing security resilience

Last updated: 2025-01-08

Crutial processes enhancing (cyber) security resilience

Certain processes have a greater impact on increasing resilience than others. The following list is based on best practices in small and medium-sized businesses and highlights the processes that most significantly affect security. If these processes are absent or improperly configured, they become the source of the most common risks, thereby endangering your information and data.

Improving these internal processes is critical to enhancing security resilience. Here are some key areas to focus on:

HR management Processes

Job Applicant and New Hires Screening Processes

  • Screening of job applicants and new hires to prevent "insider threat"

Employee Onboarding Processes

  • Ensure new employees receive comprehensive security training and understand the company's security policies and procedures.
  • Access Assignment according to the job: přidělování oprávnění v souladu s jejich pracovním zařazením, pravomocemi a oprávněním jako přirozená součást procesů nástupu zaměstnance
  • Include data protection, intellectual property, and possibly non-compete clauses in your employees' contracts

Employee Offboarding Processes

  • Implement strict procedures for revoking access to systems and data when employees leave the company to prevent unauthorized access.

Access Management Processes

  • Ensure that employees have access to information and software in accordance with job title, authority and authorization
  • Access Management: Regularly review and update user access rights to ensure employees only have access to the information necessary for their current roles and jobs
  • Update employee authorizations for sensitive and critical data and systems when job titles change, data software

Employee Training and Awareness Processes

  • Conduct regular security awareness training to keep employees informed about the latest threats and best practices
  • Foster a culture of security where employees feel responsible for protecting company data

IT Management Processes

IT Staff Training and Awareness Processes

  • Conduct regular drills to ensure IT staff are familiar with the procedures
  • Ensure high qualification for IT staff

Data Backup and Recovery Processes

  • Updates
  • Data Backup and Recovery: Implement regular data backup procedures and ensure backups are stored securely.
  • Make regular backups of important data

IT maintenance processes

  • Keep an operational maintenance log of individual IT equipment  - both hardware and software
  • Keep up-to-date information about your IT environment
  • Manage changes in your IT environment (you need to know the impact of changes)

Update and Patch Management Processes

  • Update software and company applications regularly 
  • Establish a process for regularly updating and patching software to protect against known vulnerabilities

Testing Processes

  • Testing: Test recovery processes to ensure data can be restored quickly in the event of a breach Implement multi-factor authentication (MFA) to add an extra layer of security.

Incident Management Processes

  • Incident Response:
  • Develop and regularly update an incident response plan to quickly and effectively address security breaches. 

Business Continuity and Recovery Processes

  • What to do in the case of negative event
  • How to recover from event to normal operations

Change Management Processes

  • Keep track of user requests and incident reports
  • Be prepared for disaster recovery (attack, natural disaster or technology failure)
  • Control the development and acquisition of new information technologies

Vendor Management Processes

Vendor Screening and Onboarding Processes

  • Keep contracts with suppliers in order
  • Have a signed NDA where applicable
  • Control which IT vendors can access your data

Vendor Security prověřování, audits

  • Review suppliers on an ongoing basis

Policy Management Processes and Rules

  • Enforce a reasonable password policy.
  • Ensure all important computers and phones are password protected
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