Řízení zaměstnanců zahrnuje procesy řízení práce a úkolů, zaměstnanců, včetně jejich vývoje, hodnocení a motivace.
Na rozdíl od klasického HR (Human Resources), které se zaměřuje na administrativní úkoly spojené se zaměstnanci (např. nábor, mzdy, dovolená), řízení zaměstnanců se soustředí na strategické aspekty, jako je rozvoj dovedností, výkonnostní hodnocení a plánování kariéry.
- Simply put, employee management helps employees perform their tasks well while also enjoying the work they do and achieving the company’s overall goals.
- Effective employee management should mutually benefit the company, its employees, and the community they serve.
- How this management functions is often structured by an organization’s human resources department and can be broken down into a few critical categories. Ultimately, this keeps employees excited about their job and helps operations run smoothly.
- Let’s take a look at the different aspects of employee management.
Employee management begins before an employee even starts a new role. In fact, during the recruitment process, expectations are already being set by the manager and hiring team.
- It’s important to:
- Create a clear, concise job description
- Manage company expectations
- Gauge applicant interest
- Discuss the applicant’s personal and professional goals
- Ask about their history with managing constructive criticism
- Explain the company’s mission
- Be honest with the applicant about the position
- The last point is often overlooked but is perhaps the most important. The recruitment process is only truly successful if the hiring manager is honest from the start.
- You want to hire an ideal candidate as much as a potential candidate wants to work for a terrific company. Even if unintentional, this pressure to impress can create an impulse to leave out key information or exaggerate aspects of your company to make a good impression.
- Being honest does not mean revealing company secrets or sharing every negative thing that has ever happened at the office, but the candidate should leave their interview with an understanding of the company’s goals, work habits, culture, and even potential pay.
- When this setting of expectations is done right, some highly qualified applicants might not receive the job. And even if they are offered the job, with an honest assessment of the position, an ideal candidate might turn the offer down.
- So, what’s the ultimate goal of the recruiting process? To hire the right person for the job who has been set up for success — their own and your company’s.
- Two Businesswomen Shaking Hands In Modern Office
- Once you have the perfect candidates to fill each position, the next step is to keep employees engaged and prevent unnecessary turnover.
- There are varying reasons an employee might leave a position at a company. Some individuals retire or relocate within the business, while others leave due to disagreements or poor conditions.
- These are two extremely different considerations, but they both point to one thing: retention. Especially in the face of today’s Great Resignation, businesses are structuring their company policies around retention.
- Here are some tips to ensure your company is doing everything it can to maintain talent:
- Offer livable wages and an optimized benefits package
- Allow for flexibility and for employees’ opinions to be heard
- Communicate transparently and regularly
- Include technology upgrades in budget plans
- Always show appreciation for a job well done
- A significant part of employee management is not only to create a way for employees to share their thoughts or concerns, but to also make sure they won’t feel criticized or uncomfortable doing so.
- When employees voice their thoughts, hearing them out and implementing change wherever possible provides a workspace where they feel valued.
- Pro Tip: Achieve this goal by providing multiple communication channels through services like Inch.
Compliance is a big part of employee management that should never be neglected.
What is compliance? It’s making sure that your business is abiding by all local, state, and federal employment laws.
When you follow all the rules and regulations for your industry that apply to things like work hours, payroll, and overtime), you all but eliminate the risk of non-compliance that can lead to hefty fines and even legal action against your company.
Keep in mind that labor ordinances often differ from state to state, county to county, and even city to city, so the physical location of your facilities plays a big part in the laws you’ll have to contend with.
- Boss with coworker doing employee management
- Regulation can seem harsh, but it’s an important part of an organization’s success.
- While regulation does not mean that employees should be micromanaged, it does imply that conversations regarding poor-quality performance should be had when necessary.
- When having these conversations, strive to give constructive criticism to improve an employee’s performance instead of just listing a person’s weaknesses.
- Receiving constructive feedback allows employees to constantly improve their skills, while straight criticism leads to frustration and higher turnover rates.
- When offering feedback, be sure to follow the tips below:
- Confirm professional strengths before addressing any concerns
- Only address what has been observed, not what has been speculated
- Only address what can be changed
- Come prepared with strategies for improvement
- Allow for open communication and responses
- Summarize feedback and strategies and reaffirm their importance to the company
- Additionally, avoid making statements that suggest the employee is inherently wrong or that the company has “a certain way of doing things.” This leads employees to believe that their work is not valued and that any negative aspects of the organization will remain unchanged.
Rewards & Performance
Rewards as a part of Employee Management
Rewarding employees is an effective way to congratulate them on a job well done and to promote productivity. There are several reasons that you might reward either an individual or the entire staff, and there are nearly unlimited ways to do so.
Whether it’s for a promotion or overall improvement, some great ways to show recognition include:
- Verbal recognition during a meeting
- A note signed by the entire staff
- An extra day of vacation
- A company wellness day
- Lunch paid for by the company
- The idea of “rewards” can also be expanded beyond a congratulatory effort, too. Offering support for an employee during a difficult time can make a significant impact as well.
However you choose to show your employees you care, choose ways that are sustainable long-term, and treat employees of all ranks fairly.
Work Efficiency - Work and task management
- It’s no secret that employees who feel appreciated by their company and believe their work is meaningful tend to be more productive. And higher productivity levels lead to a more efficient organization, allowing everyone involved to benefit.
- This also shows in the company’s final product. Regardless of whether the end goal is to create a physical commodity or offer other forms of service, the right combination of effective job management and happy employees leads to ideal customer service.