Proč jsou směrnice důležité

Datum poslední aktualizace: 07. 03. 2024
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Proč firmy směrnice mají

  • Pomáhají usměrňovat chování zaměstnanců, employees know how they should behave and what is expected of them.
  • help your employees know what is acceptable, and what is not tolerated.
  • Reducing mistakes and misunderstanding and help the work to be run more efficiently.
  • Reducing risks
  • Helping to be compliant with laws

klíčové prořízení směrnic je tedy jednak to, žes se o ně někd straá a udržuje je a jednak že se musí efektivně dostat k zaměstnancům.

Směrnice jsou důležitý nástroj řízení firmy 

  1. Kvalitně sestavené vnitropodnikové směrnice v souladu s platnou legislativou mají např. následující funkce:
  2. zabraňují nedorozumění, řeší nejasnosti v postupech, řeší odpovědnosti jednotlivých pracovníků či pracovních pozic,
  3. upřesňují zákon a tam, kde je to nutné, vybírají z možností daných zákonem, 
  4. zajišťují dodržování stejných postupů v jednotlivých činnostech, zajišťují kontinuitu vedení účetnictví i jiných postupů, zajišťují přehlednost, průhlednost a zejména v zastupitelnost jednoho pracovníka druhým, bez časovně názočného předávání hromad informací,
  5. mají také důležitou informační a dokladovou funkci v případě externího auditu, v případě kontroly finančního úřadu, aj.

Směrnice snižují rizika

...Směrnice jsou jedním z nástrojů řízení firmy, Pomáhají usměrňovat ...

  • reducing mistakes,
  • misunderstanding,
  • revenue can be lost through wasted time, energy, and resources, and
  • people could even get hurt or die if the mistake is tragic enough.
  • Compliance – Compliance regulation means that everyone knows the rules and why they need to be enforced. This takes away stress from wondering if there is going to be legislation enacted against the company.
  • employees know how they should behave and what is expected of them. Then they can work more effectively.
  • Rights and Responsibilities – When everyone is held to the same standards, the employees feel that they are working in a safe environment and that they are respected. This ensures that people will give their best to the company.
  • Risk Mitigation – Effective policy management helps eliminate the possibility of people getting hurt or equipment being destroyed due to mistakes or ignorance.
  • Protection from Litigation – Having policing such as Terms and Conditions can ensure that disgruntled consumers do not come back to the company in the form of a lawsuit.
  • Company policies and procedures help your workplace run more efficiently. They ensure consistency, fairness, and compliance withUS labor laws. Policies also help your employees know what is acceptable, and what is not tolerated. Plus, they reflect your company’s values, making it a better environment for all employees. 

New employees will need to be onboarded, and this is a great time to remind veteran employees of the reasons for certain procedures. In this way, employees will also be reminded that things cannot slip by the wayside

However, for your policies to be effective, they need to be comprehensive, inclusive, and well communicated. When you don’t implement them in the right way and take into account all aspects of the employee experience, you put your organization at risk. 

The responsibility for developing company policies and procedures varies somewhat based on the size and structure of an organization. As a small business owner, you may develop most policies and procedures yourself, or in collaboration with other company managers and leaders. Policies and procedures typically stem from the company vision and objectives, which are usually formed in strategic management meetings at the top level of the organization. In some organizations, department managers also develop department-specific policies and procedures based on the nature of the work tasks.

Human resources professionals often play a role in developing and formalizing company policies and procedures, especially in larger small businesses. This is part of why HR directors often participate as part of the company executive management team in strategy and planning meetings. HR professionals usually have more knowledge of HR laws and ethical practices. Thus, in many cases, managers work to develop policies and procedures with HR input. Then, the HR department prepares a formal policy manual given to new employees when hired.

Policies state what needs to be done and why, and this is incredibly important for employees as they are being trained for specific tasks and responsibilities.